"Namaste All Day"

Namaste means "The spirit in me recognizes the spirit in you", in other words, we are all one.

I live life with this belief and am happy to share my natural gifts and learned talents with all who seek to find balance and peace.

I am so blessed to be a part of this beautiful, healing center, Rosie Bluum, where I am free to employ and demonstrate various modalities of addressing the body, mind and spirit.  I am a Reiki Master, certified in Chinese Craniosacral Therapy as well as East/West synergistic Massage.  I am trained in NeuroMuscular Therapy, Myofascial Release, Aromatherapy, Acupressure Meridian Therapy, Chinese Polarity Therapy, and Daoist Pain Management.

I have an extended knowledge of crystals, aromatherapy, nutrition, chakras and energy and thoroughly enjoy making that a part of your experience or education if you desire.  I continue to learn, explore and expand my awareness and abilities so that I can offer you a unique and original session.

Whether you seek traditional massage or are curious about more alternative therapies, I am able, within my range of knowledge, to accommodate anything  that you seek to experience.  I will work with you each time to address what is going on within your body and together determine what is best for you- mentally and physically.

(For more information on my services please go to Services)

Rosie Bluum is a safe, positive, happy and nurturing environment and it is my pleasure to invite you to join me in this special place.  I encourage you to do something wonderful for not only your body, but for your mind, energy and spirit as well. 

We are located at 6A South Bancroft Street, in downtown Fairhope, Alabama.

Come by and check out our Beautiful Crystals and Himalayan Salt Lamps.  Let the sounds of the water fountains and peaceful, soothing music carry you away from your daily routines, cares and worries.

The Ambiance is like nowhere else in Fairhope.