Favorite Things

Some of my Favorite things that I love to incorporate into my treatments and services or simply my own personal use:

Palo Santo

Palo Santo is burned in ceremonies by Shamans and Medicine people for its energetically cleansing and healing properties similar to Sage.  It provides an uplifting scent that raises your vibration in preparation for meditation and allows for a deeper connection to Source.  It is also said that Palo Santo enhances creativity and brings good fortune to those who are open to its Magic.



This beautiful iridescent stone links everyday consciousness to the spiritual, reminding  us that we are spiritual beings on a human journey. Pietersite is a stone of vision, and can be used for vision quests or a shamanic journey. It works strongly with the body during moving meditations, quickly accessing a very high state of altered awareness. It stimulates the Third Eye, accessing intuition, promoting profound spiritual visions and precognition. This is my favorite Third Eye Chakra, and Meditation stone.


This stone is very new to Rosie Bluum, but I knew the second that I saw it that it would be one of my favorites. This stone is said to highlight your unlimited potential, heighten your perception, and make you sensitive to unspoken needs. It can activate your ability to 'dream true' to see your soul path. Psychologically this stone enables you to attain an objective view of yourself, reminding you that as one door closes another one opens.

Brian L. Weiss

 Brian Weiss is well known for his ground-breaking research on past- life therapy. We are now carrying 2 of his books, Through Time Into Healing  "Discovering the Power of Regression Therapy to Erase Trauma and Transform Mind, Body, and Relationships" and Same Soul Many Bodies "Discover the Healing Power of Future Loves Through Progression Therapy."

Come Check them Out.

Zeolite (Apophylite)

Zeolites are very healing stones used for detoxification in the supplement world. You can buy these crystals ground up inside of super greens formulas and are advertised to help with cases where a person is in great need of a full body/cellular detox. In the energetic world Zeolites are Reiki stones. They help to remove the ego of the practitioner during the session, so that there can be no interference from strayed thought patterns, helping the energy to flow in a more free and clear manner. I love this stone and use it almost every energy work session.

We have a few at Rosie Bluum right now, they are really affordable at a price range of $5-$9, but hurry they are an eye catcher, so they disappear quickly.