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            ~ I have the pleasure of actually working in the same center with Kristen and I must say she enhances simply the environment with her presence, not to mention the quality of her work.  Getting a 'massage' from Kristen is undefinable.  Every client gets a customized experience and I am no different.  If you meet her you will understand what you might expect on her table.  She glides across the room that you wonder if her feet are touching the floor.  Her massages are the same way- a, slow gliding of hands that just seem to know what to do, where to press deep, where to hold a point , where to stretch and where to release.  I cannot say enough about having Kristen work on your body- the mind and energetic benefits are a bonus!  She uses aromatherapy AND crystals if you choose and I highly recommend it.  I loved having Frankincense added to the de-stress oil. It left me feeling calm and peacefully energized. Thanks Kristen! you Rock!!

-Betsey Grady

Betsey received a General Massage with Myofascial Release, Craniosacral Therapy, and Reiki.


A massage for the soul, de-stresser, recharge for the week. These are just a few of the descriptions I could use to describe the Reiki sessions I've had with Kristen. For me these Reiki session, have not only been deeply therapeutic but deeply spiritual as well. I've experienced more emotional and spiritual healing and growth in the past month than in the past twenty years. I cannot say enough good and wonderful things about the beautiful work Kristen does at Rosie Bluum. It's been a fantastically awesome experience.


Randy receives 40 minute Reiki sessions, every 1-2 weeks. 


I have had Reiki sessions with Kristen on a couple occasions and it has enhanced my life drastically. I can feel her energy over me and passing through me and I feel such a state of bliss after each session.

Today I had a Craniosacral session with her and it was equally amazing in a different way... I carry tension in my neck and I left the room feeling like a million dollars :) she also personalized my session to help with the digestive issues I have been having lately.

I can't say enough about how much she has helped me and I will continue to use her services, because we only get one body and people like Kristen help us take care of it.

Truly blessed to have her in my life.

Kayci Tapia


I was speaking with Kristen today and telling her that my digestion hasn't been what it use to be, I felt bloated whenever I ate or drank anything and was totally uncomfortable after meals. She suggested the Detox Abdominal Massage and I was so pleasantly surprised. It flushed my intestines in about 20 minutes, I had to drive straight home! I must say that I have had several different massages from Kristen now, and her intuition to determine what someone needs is one of my most favorite aspects of her. I have had massages from others and they have in no way compared to Kristen's,  I really believe that the combination of massage technique and intuitionmakes her stand out from all the others. Thank you Kristen - you are the Best!

Julie Wagner


I scheduled a Craniosacral Therapy session that addressed my Chakra's as well with Kristen. Words can't describe how I felt during and as I type a few days later. She used various techniques based on what she knew my body, mind, and spirit needed. She is a truly gifted, intuitive healer.

Diane Light Waight


I am grateful for what the medical community has labeled as a "frozen shoulder". It was that shoulder that lead me to Fairhope Alabama and into the compassionate hands and heart of Kristen Kelly. Kristen was able to do what physical therapist were unable to do and that was, bring me relief from pain. She used physical massage, aroma therapy, and sound plus her expertise of directing, redirecting energy and releasing stagnant energy to bring relief to this hurting body. If you are searching for a healer, I strongly recommend Kristen.

Rick Pipkin